एजेन्सी । राजस्थानको कोटा भन्ने ठाउँमा बस्दै आएकी एक युवतीले १–२ होइन् पुरै १४ पटक विहे गरेको अनौठो खबर प्राप्त भएको छ ।घटना भारतको राजस्थान राज्य अन्तर्गत पर्ने कोटा भन्ने ठाउँको हो । जहाँ बन्दना नाम गरेकी एक युवतीले रेकर्ड तोड्दै १४ वटा विहे गरेकी हुन् । उनलाई १४ वटै श्रीमानले आफ्नो घरमा पनि भित्र्याए । तर, सुहागरातमा भने बेहुलाले नसोचेको भइदियो । १४ वटा श्रीमानमध्ये एउटाले पनि बन्दनासँग सुहागरात मनाउन पाएनन् । उल्टै लाखौंको धनमाल गुमाए ।खासमा सुहागरातमा बहाना बनाएर बन्दना १४ वटै श्रीमानका घरका सम्पूर्ण गरगहना र नगद पैसा लुटेर फरार हुन्थिन् । विहेको नाटक गरेर धनसम्पत्ति लुट्ने बन्दनाको यो धन्दामा नै रहेछ जसमा अन्य युवती र महिलाहरुले उनलाई साथ दिएका थिए ।अन्य महिलाहरुले सेटिङ मिलाउने र बन्दनाले विहे गरेर सुहागरातमा बहाना बनाएर लुट्ने लज्जास्पद कर्तुतको पर्दाफास प्रहरीले धेरैपछि गरेको छ । यसको पर्दाफास बन्दनाका लागि शेटिङ मिलाउने महिला पक्राउ परेपछि भयो ।समाचार अनुसार प्रहरीले विभिन्न सहरका पाँच महिलालाई पक्रेको छ । यो अपराधमा मुख्य भुमिका निर्वाह गर्दै आएकी बन्दना भने फरार छिन् ।१४ जनामध्येका एक कैलाशलाई यसरी लुटियो प्रहरीका अनुसार यो गिरोहको सिकार बनेका पीडित कैलाशले भनेका छन् की टाढाका नातेदार हजारीलालले उनलाई सम्पर्क गरेर सुन्दर र सुशील युवतीसँग विहे गरिदिने वाचा गरे । (त्यो बेला कैलाश विहे गर्न केटी खोजिरहेका थिए ।) त्यसपछि उनलाई हजारीले एक गेष्ट हाउसमा बोलाए जहाँ ८ युवतीहरु र एक महिला थिइन् ।न्दना नाम भएकी युवतीसँग उनको विहे करिब डेढ लाख रुपैयाँमा तय भयो । सबै कुरा तय भएपछि उक्त गिरोहले माला र सिन्दुर मगाएर त्यही विहेको प्रक्रिया पुरा गरिदिए । त्यसपछि सुहागरातको मौका पारेर बन्दनाले बहाना बनाएर कैलाशलाई त्यो रात आफूबाट टाढा राखिन् । विहान जब कैलाश निन्द्राबाट ब्युझिए तब बन्दना गायब थिइन् र पछि थाहा भयो कि बन्दना उनले दिएको सुनचाँदीका गरगहना र पैसा लिएर फरार भएकी रहिछन् ।
पुष्प दुलाल/नविन अर्याल
१५ जेठ, काठमडौं । सरकारले आगामी आर्थिक वर्ष ०७३र०७४ का लागि १० खर्ब ४८ अर्ब ९२ करोड १३ लाख ५४ रुपैयाँको बजेट ल्याएको छ । अर्थमन्त्री विष्णु पौडेलले व्यवस्थापिका सांसदमा उक्त रकम बराबरको बजेट प्रस्तुत गरिरहेका छन् ।अर्थमन्त्रीले सार्वजनिक गरेको बजेटको यो आकार राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोगले दिएको सिलिङभन्दा १ खर्ब ४९ अर्ब ९२ करोड रुपैयाँले बढी हो । योजना आयोगले ९ खर्ब ९ अर्ब रुपैयाँको सिलिङ तोकेको थियो । अागामी अार्थिक वर्षको बजेट चालू अार्थिक वर्षको भन्दा २ खर्ब २९ अर्ब ४४ करोड रूपैयाँले बढी हो । चालु आर्थिक वर्षको बजेटको आकार ८ खर्ब १९ अर्ब ४६ करोड रुपैयाँको थियो ।
कहाँबाट अाउँछ १० खर्ब ४८ अर्ब ९२ करोड ?
Source of budget_2073-074सरकारले आगामी आर्थिक वर्षका लागि ५ खर्ब ६५ र्अब अर्ब ८९ करोड ६५ लाख रुपैयाँ राजस्व उठाएर जुटाउने अर्थमन्त्रीले घोषणा गरेका छन् । चालु आवमा सरकारले राजस्वको लक्ष्य ४ खर्ब ७५ अर्ब १ करोड २१ लाख रुपैयाँ रुपैयाँ राखेको थियो ।त्यसैगरी, वैदेशिक अनुदानबाट १ खर्ब ६६ हर्ब १२ करोड ८४ लाख ४३ हजार रुपैयाँ जुटाइने छ । चालु आवमा वैदेशिक अनुदानबाछ १ खर्ब १० अर्ब ९२ करोड ९४ लाख ७ हजार रुपैयाँ जुटाउने लक्ष्य राखेको थियो ।त्यस्तै, वैदेशिक ऋणमार्फत १ खर्ब ९५ अर्ब ७१ करोड ५६ लाख ३६ हजार रुपैयाँ स्रोत जुटाउने अर्थमन्त्रीले घोषणा गरे । गत बजेटमा बैदेशिक ऋणबाट ४९ अर्ब ५२ करोड ८७ लाख ७० हजार रुपैयाँजुटाइने लक्ष्य थियो ।आन्तरिक ऋणमार्फत आगामी बजेटका लागि १ खर्ब ११ अर्ब रुपैयाँ स्रोत जुटाइने छ । चालु आवमा सरकारले ८८ अर्ब रुपैयाँ आन्तरिक ऋण उठाइसकेको छ ।त्यसैगरी, अहिलेसरकारको खातामा रहेको रकमबाट आगामी बजेटका लागि ५९ अर्ब ४१ करोड २७ लाख रुपैयाँ स्रोतान्तर गर्ने अर्थमन्त्रीले बताएका छन् । गत वर्षको बजेटले यस्तो लक्ष्य राखेको थिएन ।त्यसैगरी, सावाँ फिर्ताबाट १० अर्ब रुपैयाँ स्रोत जुटाइने अर्थमन्त्रीले बताएका छन् । चालु आवको बजेटमा सावाँ फिर्ता वा प्राप्तिमार्फत २ अर्ब जुटाउने लक्ष्य थियो ।
कहाँ खर्च हुन्छ ?
expenses of budget_2073-074 (2)कूल विनियोजित बजेटमध्ये सरकारले सारधारणतर्पफ ६ खर्ब १७ अर्ब १६ करोड रूपैयाँ बजेट बिनियोजन गरेको छ। यो कुल बजेटको ५८.९ प्रतिशत हो । त्यसैगरी, पुँजीगत अर्थात विकास बजेट ३ खर्ब ११ अर्ब ९४ करोड ६३ लाख २५ हजार रूपैयाँ र वित्तीय व्यवस्था तर्फ १ खर्ब १९ अर्ब ८१ करोड ९ लाख रूपैयाँ बजेट विनियोजन गरेको छ ।पुँजीगतर्पफ छुट्याइएको बजेट कुल विनियोजित बजेटको २९.७ प्रतिशत हो भने वित्तीय व्यवस्थातर्फ छुट्याइएको बजेट ११.४ प्रतिशत हो ।
पोहोरको बजेटमा कति थियो ?
चालु आवका लागि सरकारले पोहोर ल्याएको बजेटमा साधारणतर्फ ४ खर्ब ८४ अर्ब २६ करोड ६३ लाख ७५ हजार विनियोजन गरिएको थियो ।त्यसैगरी, पुँजीगत तर्फ २ खर्ब ८ अर्ब ८७ करोड ४२ लाख ४२ हजार रुपैयाँको बजेट थियो । आर्थिक वर्ष वित्न डेढ महिना बााकी हुादा विकासका लागि जम्मा ४७ अर्ब रुपैयाँ मात्रै खर्च भएको छ । असार मसान्तसम्ममा पुँजीगत तर्फ १ खर्ब ६९ अर्ब अर्थात ७६ प्रतिशत खर्च हुने संसोधित अनुमान रहेको अर्थमन्त्रीले बताएका छन् ।त्यस्तै, चालु आवमा वित्तीय व्यवस्थातर्फ चालु अावमा १ खर्ब २६ अर्ब ३२ करोड ५२ लाख ६७ हजार रुपैयाँ बजेट विनियोजन गरिएको थियो ।
मुम्बई । सलमान खान अहिले गायक अरिजित सिंहको कारण चर्चामा छन् । केहि दिन अघि मात्रै अरिजितले आफ्नो गीत ‘सुल्तान’ वाट हटाएको जानकारी गराएका थिए ।अरिजित एक्ला कलाकार होईनन्, जसलाई सलमानसंग काम गर्न मन लागेन । बलिउडमा धेरै कलाकार छन्, जो सलमानसंग काम गर्न चाहँदैनन् । हेरौं उनीहरु को को रहेछन्ःऐश्वर्या राय बच्चनः सलमानसंग काम गर्न नमान्नेमा पहिलो स्थानमा आउँछिन् ऐश्वर्या राय बच्चन । कुनै वेला ऐश्वर्या सलमान खानको प्रेमिका भनेर चर्चामा थिइन् ।चलचित्र ‘हम दिल दे चुके सनम’ मा काम गर्दा उनीहरुको अफेयर सुरु भएको थियो । करिब दुई वर्ष यो जोडी अफस्क्रिन र अनस्त्रिन रोमान्सका कारण चर्चामा रहे । तर, अहिले उनीहरुको बोलचाल समेत छैन । उनीहरुलाई एउटै फिल्ममा काम गराउने सामथ्र्य कुनै पनि निर्देशकले राख्दैनन् ।विवेक ओबरायः सलमानसँग सम्बन्ध बिच्छेद भएपछि केहि समय ऐश्वर्या विवेक ओबरायसंग नजिकिइन् । यही कारण बिबेकलाई सलमानले धम्कि समेत दिए । सलमानको धम्किपछि विवेक सलामानसँग बोल्न समेत चाहदैनन् ।शाहिद कपुरः रकस्टार कन्सर्टका लागि वल्डटुरको क्रममा सलमान खान शाहिद कपुरसँग रिसाए सलमानरिसाउनुकोकारणशाहिदलेसलमानसँग
डान्सका केहि स्टेप सिक्न समेत चाहेका थिए । त्यसपछि शाहिदले सलमानसँग कुनै पनि फिल्ममा काम गरेका छैनन् ।रणबीर कपुरः सलमान र रणबीर कपुरको सम्बन्ध बिग्रनुमा कट्रिना कैफको हात छ भन्नेहरु धेरै छन् । सलमानसंग सम्बन्ध टुटे लगत्तै कटि्रना रणबीरसंग रिलेशनमा थिईन् । सनमान रिसाउनुको कारण त्यहि नै थियो ।आमिर खानः आमिर खान र सलमान खानले एक अर्कालाई राम्रो साथी भएको बताउँदै आएका छन् । तर, यी कलाकार कहिल्यै एउटै फ्रेममा काम गर्दैनन् । उनीहरुमा प्रतिष्ठाको समस्या छ ।
Study In Australia
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Scholarships to study in Australia
भिडियो हेर्न तलको बक्स भित्र क्लिक गर्नुहोस
There are many scholarships, grants, and bursaries which can help support you financially with your studies in Australia. They are offered by the Australian Government, education institutions, and a number of other public and private organisations. You can use the search tool available on every page of this site to find scholarships, along with contact details for the institution providing the scholarship.
All applications and enquiries for scholarships are made through the scholarship provider.
Here is information about some of the major scholarships programs available for international students:
Australia Awards - The Australia Awards aim to promote knowledge, education links, and enduring ties between Australia and our neighbours through Australia's extensive scholarship programs. The program brings together scholarships offered by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), the Department of Education and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). Read more about Australia Awards (opens in a new window) and Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships (opens in a new window).
International Postgraduate Research Scholarships - The International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) program focuses on improving the quality of Australian research. If you already have a graduate qualification, an IPRS scholarship lets you study in Australia with some of the best researchers in your field. You can read more about these scholarships at the Department of Education (opens in a new window) website. Or to search for the scholarships, use the search tool on this website.
Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowship - The Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowships are open to high-achieving female researchers from APEC economies for research opportunities in partnership with Australian education and research institutions. The fellowships aim to support women’s economic empowerment in the APEC region and raise the profile of female role models in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Read more about the Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowship.
Who can apply for a scholarship?
All scholarships listed on our website are available to international students. Many are available to students of all nationalities, however all scholarships conditions are set by the institution or organisation offering the scholarship and applications have to be done directly with the scholarship provider. To find out if you are eligible to receive a scholarship you must contact the organisation offering the scholarship.
To find out what scholarships you might be eligible for use the search tool found on every page of this website.
Type in your area of study or an institution in the Search bar
In the Search results page, click on the Scholarships tab
From the list of available scholarships, apply the filter to match your preferences
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Scholarships to study in Australia
भिडियो हेर्न तलको बक्स भित्र क्लिक गर्नुहोस
There are many scholarships, grants, and bursaries which can help support you financially with your studies in Australia. They are offered by the Australian Government, education institutions, and a number of other public and private organisations. You can use the search tool available on every page of this site to find scholarships, along with contact details for the institution providing the scholarship.
All applications and enquiries for scholarships are made through the scholarship provider.
Here is information about some of the major scholarships programs available for international students:
Australia Awards - The Australia Awards aim to promote knowledge, education links, and enduring ties between Australia and our neighbours through Australia's extensive scholarship programs. The program brings together scholarships offered by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), the Department of Education and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). Read more about Australia Awards (opens in a new window) and Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships (opens in a new window).
International Postgraduate Research Scholarships - The International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) program focuses on improving the quality of Australian research. If you already have a graduate qualification, an IPRS scholarship lets you study in Australia with some of the best researchers in your field. You can read more about these scholarships at the Department of Education (opens in a new window) website. Or to search for the scholarships, use the search tool on this website.
Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowship - The Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowships are open to high-achieving female researchers from APEC economies for research opportunities in partnership with Australian education and research institutions. The fellowships aim to support women’s economic empowerment in the APEC region and raise the profile of female role models in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Read more about the Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowship.
Who can apply for a scholarship?
All scholarships listed on our website are available to international students. Many are available to students of all nationalities, however all scholarships conditions are set by the institution or organisation offering the scholarship and applications have to be done directly with the scholarship provider. To find out if you are eligible to receive a scholarship you must contact the organisation offering the scholarship.
To find out what scholarships you might be eligible for use the search tool found on every page of this website.
Type in your area of study or an institution in the Search bar
In the Search results page, click on the Scholarships tab
From the list of available scholarships, apply the filter to match your preferences
Mother giving birth, even selling the two men involved in human trafficking, including the Tamang of Sindhupalchowk arrested by dinduNepalgunj,
3 June, even selling his mother to give birth Sindhupalchowk dindu Tamang human smuggling are two of the APO trapped. Delhi, India, Kuwait is underway to send the name of the mother foreign employment to 27 -4 Sindhupalchowk juvacaura dindusahita two police phupuki sister and daughter has been arrested in Delhi, when they Kohalpur Area Police Office, Banke charge of Deputy Superintendent of Police Suresh affected. According to Deputy Superintendent Kafle dindule mother sent Kuwait brokers earn 20 thousand police have admitted that there are eaten.
Area Police Office, Kohalpur Nepalgunj Bus dindu a hotel zone, palcoka-9 36 Move Up Sonoma Tamang dinduki sister and phupuki farmer has taken control. Police in Nepalgunj them prakrau Saturday Sunday press conference made public. Girls below the age of 18 years were arrested, police said. Bus kohalapara two teenage range 9jamunaha 0 kataevapata 20 ÷ 20 rupees per person to give money based on the information that stayed under control, Deputy Superintendent of Police explained that raid. A teenager from Kathmandu to Delhi to register a main Nike lakpale through the Gulf, and threw one million 50 thousand commission to take the Police said. Which will ruin her selling dindule a young trader has accepted 20 thousand.
Last year alone, his mother dindule Delhi purrayaera 20 thousand, Deputy Superintendent of Police, explained that the commission has taken praharisamu. Kuwait recently in dinduki mother envisioned her condition, police said. According to the police, saying New Delhi for foreign employment by issuing ¥ m Sindhupalchowk home and currently is living in Delhi and Dubai Renu tamanamarphata lakpale a million 50 thousand and 20 thousand each time to take the fate of dindule. According to police, 24 teenagers and young tamanadvayale the last one and a half years for foreign employment Delhi m ¥ indications are saying. Bhukampaprabhavita district Jhapa and Kathmandu-Nepalgunj district nearby checkpoint Delhi m ¥ investigation was concluded by the Deputy Superintendent of Police Prakash said. He was arrested human traffickers of human trafficking and related cases of asorapasara said. Nepalgunj different from the country in recent days by some inspection found these vehicles, he said. Bardiya Nepalgunj, including the last time the border melee checkpoint girls and women wishing the investigation, police said.
(CIAA Daily)
3 June, even selling his mother to give birth Sindhupalchowk dindu Tamang human smuggling are two of the APO trapped. Delhi, India, Kuwait is underway to send the name of the mother foreign employment to 27 -4 Sindhupalchowk juvacaura dindusahita two police phupuki sister and daughter has been arrested in Delhi, when they Kohalpur Area Police Office, Banke charge of Deputy Superintendent of Police Suresh affected. According to Deputy Superintendent Kafle dindule mother sent Kuwait brokers earn 20 thousand police have admitted that there are eaten.
Area Police Office, Kohalpur Nepalgunj Bus dindu a hotel zone, palcoka-9 36 Move Up Sonoma Tamang dinduki sister and phupuki farmer has taken control. Police in Nepalgunj them prakrau Saturday Sunday press conference made public. Girls below the age of 18 years were arrested, police said. Bus kohalapara two teenage range 9jamunaha 0 kataevapata 20 ÷ 20 rupees per person to give money based on the information that stayed under control, Deputy Superintendent of Police explained that raid. A teenager from Kathmandu to Delhi to register a main Nike lakpale through the Gulf, and threw one million 50 thousand commission to take the Police said. Which will ruin her selling dindule a young trader has accepted 20 thousand.
Last year alone, his mother dindule Delhi purrayaera 20 thousand, Deputy Superintendent of Police, explained that the commission has taken praharisamu. Kuwait recently in dinduki mother envisioned her condition, police said. According to the police, saying New Delhi for foreign employment by issuing ¥ m Sindhupalchowk home and currently is living in Delhi and Dubai Renu tamanamarphata lakpale a million 50 thousand and 20 thousand each time to take the fate of dindule. According to police, 24 teenagers and young tamanadvayale the last one and a half years for foreign employment Delhi m ¥ indications are saying. Bhukampaprabhavita district Jhapa and Kathmandu-Nepalgunj district nearby checkpoint Delhi m ¥ investigation was concluded by the Deputy Superintendent of Police Prakash said. He was arrested human traffickers of human trafficking and related cases of asorapasara said. Nepalgunj different from the country in recent days by some inspection found these vehicles, he said. Bardiya Nepalgunj, including the last time the border melee checkpoint girls and women wishing the investigation, police said.
(CIAA Daily)
Four arrested in drug hidden in anus News Updated By- Durga Khatiwada | Posted From- Washington DC | May 27, 2016
Dharan, May 14 - Police have arrested four people in drug hidden in anus.
Arrested in drug Dharan -13, 22-year-old Vinod Limbu, 21-year-old Vishnu Karki, 22-year-old patient with Rai and Ajay Rai of Dharan are -16, 35-year-old.
As for the police to control drug shows activity against drug business and the user that the new method, the police still have to challenge.
Different parts of the downward trend in Dharan considered drug trajinsa point for drug control police as he takes the extreme step, so that the police could not have been the subject of a challenge to its control.
Dharan Area Police Office, the last time when the new method, drug bhitryaudai four youths have been arrested. He wore paint inside the house and cut down upon the drug and drug hidden in maladvarabhitra May 12 when police arrested dark.
Day 3 o'clock on a special tip on May 12 during the sumnima chok Dharan -13 -52 lupijaisika drugs like illegal drug, including drugs like ebhila -52 -52 4 arrested ampul and daijelava made Dharan Area Police Office Lahan said DSP.
Khatiwada arrested them under drug trafficking laws have forwarded the information.
by dcnepal.com
Dharan, May 14 - Police have arrested four people in drug hidden in anus.
Arrested in drug Dharan -13, 22-year-old Vinod Limbu, 21-year-old Vishnu Karki, 22-year-old patient with Rai and Ajay Rai of Dharan are -16, 35-year-old.
As for the police to control drug shows activity against drug business and the user that the new method, the police still have to challenge.
Different parts of the downward trend in Dharan considered drug trajinsa point for drug control police as he takes the extreme step, so that the police could not have been the subject of a challenge to its control.
Dharan Area Police Office, the last time when the new method, drug bhitryaudai four youths have been arrested. He wore paint inside the house and cut down upon the drug and drug hidden in maladvarabhitra May 12 when police arrested dark.
Day 3 o'clock on a special tip on May 12 during the sumnima chok Dharan -13 -52 lupijaisika drugs like illegal drug, including drugs like ebhila -52 -52 4 arrested ampul and daijelava made Dharan Area Police Office Lahan said DSP.
Khatiwada arrested them under drug trafficking laws have forwarded the information.
by dcnepal.com
Suresh, who was abducted on Thursday evening djonair Kedia does not know, a driver in critical condition News Updated By- Hari Acharya |
This Naughty Game Is So Realistic It Can Upset Your ...
Bara, 14 May. Parsa, who was abducted a 50-year-old Suresh Kedia police search has continued.
An armed group on Thursday evening Kalaiya of Bara industrialist and executive director Suresh Kumar Kedia of Kedia Organization were abducted.
Paravanipurasthita Birgunj food industry operators who were kidnapped on Thursday evening Kedia Kalaiya baghavana village.
The kidnappers used a shot Kedia syamaumesaprasada Sah Kanu driver seriously injured. Right-struck shot her in critical condition.
The group number is still unknown, unfamiliar to him from motarasaikalama right cheek, was abducted by shooting and injuring Kedia created.
Narayani Sub-Regional Hospital to be treated after he has been referred to Kathmandu.
This Naughty Game Is So Realistic It Can Upset Your ...
Bara, 14 May. Parsa, who was abducted a 50-year-old Suresh Kedia police search has continued.
An armed group on Thursday evening Kalaiya of Bara industrialist and executive director Suresh Kumar Kedia of Kedia Organization were abducted.
Paravanipurasthita Birgunj food industry operators who were kidnapped on Thursday evening Kedia Kalaiya baghavana village.
The kidnappers used a shot Kedia syamaumesaprasada Sah Kanu driver seriously injured. Right-struck shot her in critical condition.
The group number is still unknown, unfamiliar to him from motarasaikalama right cheek, was abducted by shooting and injuring Kedia created.
Narayani Sub-Regional Hospital to be treated after he has been referred to Kathmandu.
Study In Australia
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Scholarships to study in Australia
भिडियो हेर्न तलको बक्स भित्र क्लिक गर्नुहोस
There are many scholarships, grants, and bursaries which can help support you financially with your studies in Australia. They are offered by the Australian Government, education institutions, and a number of other public and private organisations. You can use the search tool available on every page of this site to find scholarships, along with contact details for the institution providing the scholarship.
All applications and enquiries for scholarships are made through the scholarship provider.
Here is information about some of the major scholarships programs available for international students:
Australia Awards - The Australia Awards aim to promote knowledge, education links, and enduring ties between Australia and our neighbours through Australia's extensive scholarship programs. The program brings together scholarships offered by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), the Department of Education and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). Read more about Australia Awards (opens in a new window) and Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships (opens in a new window).
International Postgraduate Research Scholarships - The International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) program focuses on improving the quality of Australian research. If you already have a graduate qualification, an IPRS scholarship lets you study in Australia with some of the best researchers in your field. You can read more about these scholarships at the Department of Education (opens in a new window) website. Or to search for the scholarships, use the search tool on this website.
Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowship - The Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowships are open to high-achieving female researchers from APEC economies for research opportunities in partnership with Australian education and research institutions. The fellowships aim to support women’s economic empowerment in the APEC region and raise the profile of female role models in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Read more about the Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowship.
Who can apply for a scholarship?
All scholarships listed on our website are available to international students. Many are available to students of all nationalities, however all scholarships conditions are set by the institution or organisation offering the scholarship and applications have to be done directly with the scholarship provider. To find out if you are eligible to receive a scholarship you must contact the organisation offering the scholarship.
To find out what scholarships you might be eligible for use the search tool found on every page of this website.
Type in your area of study or an institution in the Search bar
In the Search results page, click on the Scholarships tab
From the list of available scholarships, apply the filter to match your preferences
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Scholarships to study in Australia
भिडियो हेर्न तलको बक्स भित्र क्लिक गर्नुहोस
There are many scholarships, grants, and bursaries which can help support you financially with your studies in Australia. They are offered by the Australian Government, education institutions, and a number of other public and private organisations. You can use the search tool available on every page of this site to find scholarships, along with contact details for the institution providing the scholarship.
All applications and enquiries for scholarships are made through the scholarship provider.
Here is information about some of the major scholarships programs available for international students:
Australia Awards - The Australia Awards aim to promote knowledge, education links, and enduring ties between Australia and our neighbours through Australia's extensive scholarship programs. The program brings together scholarships offered by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), the Department of Education and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). Read more about Australia Awards (opens in a new window) and Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships (opens in a new window).
International Postgraduate Research Scholarships - The International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) program focuses on improving the quality of Australian research. If you already have a graduate qualification, an IPRS scholarship lets you study in Australia with some of the best researchers in your field. You can read more about these scholarships at the Department of Education (opens in a new window) website. Or to search for the scholarships, use the search tool on this website.
Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowship - The Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowships are open to high-achieving female researchers from APEC economies for research opportunities in partnership with Australian education and research institutions. The fellowships aim to support women’s economic empowerment in the APEC region and raise the profile of female role models in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Read more about the Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowship.
Who can apply for a scholarship?
All scholarships listed on our website are available to international students. Many are available to students of all nationalities, however all scholarships conditions are set by the institution or organisation offering the scholarship and applications have to be done directly with the scholarship provider. To find out if you are eligible to receive a scholarship you must contact the organisation offering the scholarship.
To find out what scholarships you might be eligible for use the search tool found on every page of this website.
Type in your area of study or an institution in the Search bar
In the Search results page, click on the Scholarships tab
From the list of available scholarships, apply the filter to match your preferences
A baby born in India's Karnataka hasanama the world more than the weight of all of her baby when he was born, the couple has pugeki weight as the other six months old child was. These killin about 6.8 kg weight and the shape of the baby than normal newborn child has grown older, the news of two viral social media has.
Birth of a child has serious operation. Not until recently has been named the child, but surprising is that these baccilai birth mother Nandini just 9 years old are only 1.
The first masacuetsama janmieki in 2014 in the name of the baby was Grewia.
According to a local doctor to complain rajule Venkatesh, his 25-year career this is the first opportunity when he saw the birth of her charity, the weight of the mission she say that this is not less than a miracle for the birth of urgency was normal. Delivery killin female doctor making a miracle, according to the Manuka moon and nothing less than surprising. Surgery lasted about half an hour until. According to her baby as high Manuka gahurango and also to extend the same beautiful baby girl bear any kind of physical problem previously was nandinilai. His blood pressure, blood sugar level was all naramala. Mother and killin good health of the disaster.
Within a year, the project can now daily 17 million liters of water in the Kathmandu Valley News Updated By- Samiksha Pandey | Posted From- Nepal |
Kathmandu, May 12. Obstruction in the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation project could be brought to the daily 17 million liters of water, according to the Capital.
The project began to come to the water here in the Kathmandu Valley to meet growing water demands may be. Now the daily demand of about 26 million liters of water has to be supplied only eight million liters. The common people in the Kathmandu Valley and nearby rivers, rivulets, kholalagayata imports from tankers and underground sources of water management have shortcomings.
Ministry spokesman Prasad Subedi continue for a long time about a decade of planning and construction is now being completed within a year, he added.
He Obstruction tight tunnel to tunnel construction in various parts of the region skilled and experienced technical manpower, said the fast and efficient work. RSS
Kathmandu, May 12. Obstruction in the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation project could be brought to the daily 17 million liters of water, according to the Capital.
The project began to come to the water here in the Kathmandu Valley to meet growing water demands may be. Now the daily demand of about 26 million liters of water has to be supplied only eight million liters. The common people in the Kathmandu Valley and nearby rivers, rivulets, kholalagayata imports from tankers and underground sources of water management have shortcomings.
Ministry spokesman Prasad Subedi continue for a long time about a decade of planning and construction is now being completed within a year, he added.
He Obstruction tight tunnel to tunnel construction in various parts of the region skilled and experienced technical manpower, said the fast and efficient work. RSS
How Textiles immersed by water benisako sexual organs around the water? Director of the valley faint scar?
Nepali plot movie "Jerry" has been released on Friday, alanepala. Rajadhiniko Jai Nepal Cinema on Friday (yesterday) has been the movie press show. The premiere of the film director and media were present thick a film illustrating the selibretiharu solution came out. Tyasabicamai director Hem left for next valley was such a stain which stains seemed to be a sign that someone's love. Not only that anyone bitten near his right hand, as was seen in kuino .However feasts fighting and hit the crooked, but Jerry said the director of the CBI's case falls somewhere stain spots him were unfair. After a successful business, including other entries Hemraj this time are very thrilled. But he was thrilled when panaka seen Apparently he tried to drift away from the rulers had tried to examine the capture of controversy gasipa and the world was once again taken hold of her heroin benisa Hamal. Les White jampasutama came back when the condition worsened conditions benisako saw the outpouring of cloth to capture photos and media found jeri special premiere later he came out safe and sound when pressed, but a film marks of benisako sensitive areas was bad.
Spilled coffee or water may be due to the movie hall seats it was on a different spot or stain Why do benisalai sahakarmiharule Anyway when his back is he himself filled ear about Bijuli this had a good handle. source: parda6adi
Nepali plot movie "Jerry" has been released on Friday, alanepala. Rajadhiniko Jai Nepal Cinema on Friday (yesterday) has been the movie press show. The premiere of the film director and media were present thick a film illustrating the selibretiharu solution came out. Tyasabicamai director Hem left for next valley was such a stain which stains seemed to be a sign that someone's love. Not only that anyone bitten near his right hand, as was seen in kuino .However feasts fighting and hit the crooked, but Jerry said the director of the CBI's case falls somewhere stain spots him were unfair. After a successful business, including other entries Hemraj this time are very thrilled. But he was thrilled when panaka seen Apparently he tried to drift away from the rulers had tried to examine the capture of controversy gasipa and the world was once again taken hold of her heroin benisa Hamal. Les White jampasutama came back when the condition worsened conditions benisako saw the outpouring of cloth to capture photos and media found jeri special premiere later he came out safe and sound when pressed, but a film marks of benisako sensitive areas was bad.
Spilled coffee or water may be due to the movie hall seats it was on a different spot or stain Why do benisalai sahakarmiharule Anyway when his back is he himself filled ear about Bijuli this had a good handle. source: parda6adi
Twin Ganga Jamuna, as the serpent liepachi Watching crowd ..!
Yanluna: Terathum ambunga 2 bhotechapaka two teenage twins, she began to behave like a serpent, and a local family who were surprised 12-year-old twin daughters chansunnamaka sesehanga Ganga and Jamuna khavahangaka as a show snake thalepachi surprise may have been local. Sangnam home even if the dragon girl living in ambungama recent maternal behavior amasahita diffused them as the crowds increased chachoriharule the serpent's head blown up both hands and dancing, leaving the mother is treated dasnelagayatako maitamayam said Limbu. "10 days before the children began to show such behavior," she said, "We who are all surprise." Both the daughter of the dragon attitude, portray the temple, the serpent killed and the house of the local sinhadevi Jalkanya the hurling of garbage, he said. In addition to building a new temple complex temple teenage sanitation will not be right until their lives to tell the neighbors green house cleaning bataekisoriharule Bhandari pointed to the temple complex on Friday, locals as well as sanitation flowers are planted even Virumaa. About two hundred people gathered at the temple, as alluded to drug trafficking Bhandari has been sanitation> thalepachi show abuse, including children eat food maitamayamle mother was forced to go ahead. They have to eat only fruits. The daughter of the Ganges and see the daily half saw Muna accommodate up to two hundred and crowd momentum, he batainnatiniharuma viewed 3 times daily 2 show the 61-year-old grandmother to behave like a serpent buddhimayam said Limbu. According to him, half an hour at a time 2/3 hours natiharule have to show such behavior. Once the house has to behave like a serpent dekhinathalepachi natiniharu baddhimayale said. Ambunga Bhote chapasthita sinhadevi Jalkanya house was established in 2008 BS. by: meroarticle
Yanluna: Terathum ambunga 2 bhotechapaka two teenage twins, she began to behave like a serpent, and a local family who were surprised 12-year-old twin daughters chansunnamaka sesehanga Ganga and Jamuna khavahangaka as a show snake thalepachi surprise may have been local. Sangnam home even if the dragon girl living in ambungama recent maternal behavior amasahita diffused them as the crowds increased chachoriharule the serpent's head blown up both hands and dancing, leaving the mother is treated dasnelagayatako maitamayam said Limbu. "10 days before the children began to show such behavior," she said, "We who are all surprise." Both the daughter of the dragon attitude, portray the temple, the serpent killed and the house of the local sinhadevi Jalkanya the hurling of garbage, he said. In addition to building a new temple complex temple teenage sanitation will not be right until their lives to tell the neighbors green house cleaning bataekisoriharule Bhandari pointed to the temple complex on Friday, locals as well as sanitation flowers are planted even Virumaa. About two hundred people gathered at the temple, as alluded to drug trafficking Bhandari has been sanitation> thalepachi show abuse, including children eat food maitamayamle mother was forced to go ahead. They have to eat only fruits. The daughter of the Ganges and see the daily half saw Muna accommodate up to two hundred and crowd momentum, he batainnatiniharuma viewed 3 times daily 2 show the 61-year-old grandmother to behave like a serpent buddhimayam said Limbu. According to him, half an hour at a time 2/3 hours natiharule have to show such behavior. Once the house has to behave like a serpent dekhinathalepachi natiniharu baddhimayale said. Ambunga Bhote chapasthita sinhadevi Jalkanya house was established in 2008 BS. by: meroarticle
Apply Temporary Worker Visas For Usa
Generally, a citizen of a foreign country who wishes to enter the United States must first obtain a visa, either a nonimmigrant visa for temporary stay, or an immigrant visa for permanent residence. Temporary worker visas are for persons who want to enter the United States for employment lasting a fixed period of time, and are not considered permanent or indefinite. Each of these visas requires the prospective employer to first file a petition with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). An approved petition is required to apply for a work visa. How to Apply
After USCIS approves the Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker (Form I-129), you may apply for a visa. There are several steps in the visa application process. The order of these steps and how you complete them may vary at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you apply. Please consult the instructions available on the embassy or consulate website where you will apply.
Complete The Online Visa Application
Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 – complete the online visa application and 2) print the application form confirmation page to bring to your interview.
Photo –You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160. Your photo must be in the format explained in the Photograph Requirements.
Schedule an Interview
While interviews are generally not required for applicants of certain ages outlined below, consular officers have the discretion to require an interview of any applicant, regardless of age.
Generally, a citizen of a foreign country who wishes to enter the United States must first obtain a visa, either a nonimmigrant visa for temporary stay, or an immigrant visa for permanent residence. Temporary worker visas are for persons who want to enter the United States for employment lasting a fixed period of time, and are not considered permanent or indefinite. Each of these visas requires the prospective employer to first file a petition with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). An approved petition is required to apply for a work visa. How to Apply
After USCIS approves the Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker (Form I-129), you may apply for a visa. There are several steps in the visa application process. The order of these steps and how you complete them may vary at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you apply. Please consult the instructions available on the embassy or consulate website where you will apply.
Complete The Online Visa Application
Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 – complete the online visa application and 2) print the application form confirmation page to bring to your interview.
Photo –You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160. Your photo must be in the format explained in the Photograph Requirements.
Schedule an Interview
While interviews are generally not required for applicants of certain ages outlined below, consular officers have the discretion to require an interview of any applicant, regardless of age.
Why mother was murdered 15 months infants
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Media NP, Rukum, 8 May. Batha salt 15 months, including the son of the mother has been killed at the same place. Kharaki 30-year-old Gita Oli and his 15-month son was killed inside his house when the bodies were found dreadful. Knowing the smell began to come off the bodies were locals informed the police.About a week before the murder of the bud rot looked bodies, police estimated that. Mr. work, had gone to India on Thursday on who and why Gita murdered some sacks that has not been ascertained. District Police Office Acting Police Chief Inspector Kamal Shrestha to lack of a sharp weapon and that the murder investigation about the incident said.Both the bodies have been kept at District Hospital, Salle. Police for the investigation Gita brother, brother and jethanilai have been arrested
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Media NP, Rukum, 8 May. Batha salt 15 months, including the son of the mother has been killed at the same place. Kharaki 30-year-old Gita Oli and his 15-month son was killed inside his house when the bodies were found dreadful. Knowing the smell began to come off the bodies were locals informed the police.About a week before the murder of the bud rot looked bodies, police estimated that. Mr. work, had gone to India on Thursday on who and why Gita murdered some sacks that has not been ascertained. District Police Office Acting Police Chief Inspector Kamal Shrestha to lack of a sharp weapon and that the murder investigation about the incident said.Both the bodies have been kept at District Hospital, Salle. Police for the investigation Gita brother, brother and jethanilai have been arrested
159 peoples dead in Dubai to Mangalore plane crash.
Most of the passengers on the flight were from Kerala. An Air India Express passenger plane from Dubai crashed outside Mangalore airport in southern India on Saturday, killing 159 people when it burst into flames after overshooting the runway and ploughing into a forest.
There were initially eight survivors after the Boeing 737-800, with 166 people on board including crew, appeared to have skidded off the runway in rain at the airport in Karnataka, Air India director Anup Srivastava said. But a young girl later died in hospital.
All the passengers were Indian nationals, an Air India official in Dubai said.
The black box has been recovered from an Air India Express passenger plane from Dubai that crashed on landing in southern India on Saturday, the United Arab Emirates' state media said.
Most of the passengers on the flight were from Kerala. An Air India Express passenger plane from Dubai crashed outside Mangalore airport in southern India on Saturday, killing 159 people when it burst into flames after overshooting the runway and ploughing into a forest.
There were initially eight survivors after the Boeing 737-800, with 166 people on board including crew, appeared to have skidded off the runway in rain at the airport in Karnataka, Air India director Anup Srivastava said. But a young girl later died in hospital.
All the passengers were Indian nationals, an Air India official in Dubai said.
The black box has been recovered from an Air India Express passenger plane from Dubai that crashed on landing in southern India on Saturday, the United Arab Emirates' state media said.
Wednesday 18th of May
Sri Lankan commuters drive through floodwaters along an expressway in the suburb of Athurugeriya in capital Colombo on May 18, 2016. Rescue workers in Sri Lanka searched for 16 people missing May 18 after landslides buried several homes following three days of heavy rain, police said. / AFP PHOTO / LAKRUWAN WANNIARACHCHI
14 people killed in a road accident of India's northern Himalayan region
Sunday 8th of May
8 May 2016 - Indian bystanders gather around the wreckage of a bus in a ravine in Mandi District on the outskirts of Dharamsala on May 8, 2016, after a crash in the northern state of Himachal Pradesh. An overcrowded minibus has fallen into a deep gorge in India's northern Himalayan region after a portion of the road caved in, killing 14 people, an official said. Another 41 people were injured when the bus heading towards the popular tourist destination of Kinnaur rolled into the steep valley in Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh state late May 7. Read for more detail …
Sunday 8th of May
8 May 2016 - Indian bystanders gather around the wreckage of a bus in a ravine in Mandi District on the outskirts of Dharamsala on May 8, 2016, after a crash in the northern state of Himachal Pradesh. An overcrowded minibus has fallen into a deep gorge in India's northern Himalayan region after a portion of the road caved in, killing 14 people, an official said. Another 41 people were injured when the bus heading towards the popular tourist destination of Kinnaur rolled into the steep valley in Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh state late May 7. Read for more detail …
हरियो केराउका फाइदा र वेफाइदा रोचक तथ्याहरु,जानी राखौ
हरियो केराउ मन नपराउने मानिसहरु निकै कम होलान्। हरियो केराउको मौसम सुरु भएसँगै मानिसहरुको यसप्रतिको
लोकप्रियता पनि बढ्ने गर्छ।तर हरियो केराउले शरीरलाई फाईदा मात्र गर्छ भन्ने छैन। कतिपय अवस्थामा यसले वेफाइदा
पनि गरिरहेको हुन्छ।
त्यसैले हरियो केराउ खाँदा अाफ्नो शरीरको अवस्थालाई पनि ध्यानमा राख्नुपर्छ।मोटोपन कम गर्छ
हरियो केराउमा फ्याट र क्यालोरी निकै कम हुन्छ। फाइबर भरपुर मात्रामा पाइने भएकाले यसले शरीरमा बोसो जम्न दिदैँन।
महिनावारीमा आरामस्त्रीहरुमा हुने माहिनावारीसँग सम्बन्धीत सबै प्रकारका समस्या टाढा राख्न मद्दत गर्छ। समयमा
महिनावारी नहुनु, बढी रगत बग्नु, माहिनावारीका समयमा हुने दुखाई आदीलाई कम गर्न मद्दत गर्छ।
पेटको क्यान्सर
रिसर्चका अनुसार हरियो केराउमा क्यान्सर रोधक तत्व काउमेस्ट्रोल हुन्छ, जसले क्सान्सर कोषीकाहरुको विकास रोक्छ।
मधुमेह नियन्त्रण
यसमा प्रोटीन र उच्च तत्वका फाइबर पाइन्छन् जसले शरीरमा चिनीको मात्रालाई नियन्त्रण गर्छ। यसले मधुमेहको खतरालाई पनि टाढा राख्छ।
हाडलाई मजबुत राख्छ
भिटामिनले भरिपूर्ण हरियो केराउले हाडलाई निकै मजबुत बनाउँछ। बढ्दो उमेरका साथ हुने अस्टियोपोरोसिस बिमारीबाट पनि आराम दिलाउँछ।
सुन्निएको समस्यामा आराम
जाडो मौसममा हात, खुट्टामा सुन्निने समस्यामा पनि हरियो केराउले निकै फाइदा गर्छ। शरीर सुन्निएमा केराउ उमालेको पानीले नुहाउनाले
शरीरलाई फाइदा गर्छ। शरीरमा कुनै प्रकारको जलन भएमा केराउको लेप लाएमा आराम मिल्छ।
प्रतिरोधात्मक क्षमता बढाउँछ
हरियो केराउमा पाइने आइरन, जिङ्क, म्यागनेसीयम र कपरले विभिन्न प्रकारका रोगहरुबाट बचाउँछ। साथै यसमा पाइने एंटी अक्सिडेन्टले
प्रतिरोधात्मक क्षमता पनि बढाउँछ।
छाला चम्किलो बनाउँछ
हरियो केराउको प्रयोगले छाला चम्किलो बनाउँछ। केराउ उमालेर पिध्ने र बेसारमा मिसाएर शरीरमा लगाउनाले छाला चम्किलो हुन्छ र कोमल पनि हुन्छ।
प्रजनन शक्तिमा असर
हरियो केराउ बढी मात्रा खा पुरुषहरुको प्रजनन शक्तिमा असर गर्ने गर्छ। हरियो केराउमा नेचुरल केमिकल एमजाइलोहाइड्रोक्युन पाइन्छ,
जसले प्रजनन शक्तिलाई करिब ६० प्रतिशत सम्म कम गर्छ। पुरुषमा मात्र होइन महिलाहरुमा पनि यसको असर पर्ने सम्भावना हुन्छ।
गर्भावस्थासँग सम्बन्धीत समस्या पनि उत्पन्न हुन सक्छन्।
हरियो केराउमा सोल्युबल फाइबर र इन्डाइजेस्टेबल ओलीस्याकेराइडस्को मात्रा बढी हुन्छ, जो सजिलै पचाउन सकिँदैन। यसले पेटमा ग्यासको समस्या
उत्पन्न गर्छ।
मात्रा मिलाएर खाने गर्दा हरियो केराउले शरीरलाई धेरै जसो फाइदा नै पुर्याउँछ।
हरियो केराउ मन नपराउने मानिसहरु निकै कम होलान्। हरियो केराउको मौसम सुरु भएसँगै मानिसहरुको यसप्रतिको
लोकप्रियता पनि बढ्ने गर्छ।तर हरियो केराउले शरीरलाई फाईदा मात्र गर्छ भन्ने छैन। कतिपय अवस्थामा यसले वेफाइदा
पनि गरिरहेको हुन्छ।
त्यसैले हरियो केराउ खाँदा अाफ्नो शरीरको अवस्थालाई पनि ध्यानमा राख्नुपर्छ।मोटोपन कम गर्छ
हरियो केराउमा फ्याट र क्यालोरी निकै कम हुन्छ। फाइबर भरपुर मात्रामा पाइने भएकाले यसले शरीरमा बोसो जम्न दिदैँन।
महिनावारीमा आरामस्त्रीहरुमा हुने माहिनावारीसँग सम्बन्धीत सबै प्रकारका समस्या टाढा राख्न मद्दत गर्छ। समयमा
महिनावारी नहुनु, बढी रगत बग्नु, माहिनावारीका समयमा हुने दुखाई आदीलाई कम गर्न मद्दत गर्छ।
पेटको क्यान्सर
रिसर्चका अनुसार हरियो केराउमा क्यान्सर रोधक तत्व काउमेस्ट्रोल हुन्छ, जसले क्सान्सर कोषीकाहरुको विकास रोक्छ।
मधुमेह नियन्त्रण
यसमा प्रोटीन र उच्च तत्वका फाइबर पाइन्छन् जसले शरीरमा चिनीको मात्रालाई नियन्त्रण गर्छ। यसले मधुमेहको खतरालाई पनि टाढा राख्छ।
हाडलाई मजबुत राख्छ
भिटामिनले भरिपूर्ण हरियो केराउले हाडलाई निकै मजबुत बनाउँछ। बढ्दो उमेरका साथ हुने अस्टियोपोरोसिस बिमारीबाट पनि आराम दिलाउँछ।
सुन्निएको समस्यामा आराम
जाडो मौसममा हात, खुट्टामा सुन्निने समस्यामा पनि हरियो केराउले निकै फाइदा गर्छ। शरीर सुन्निएमा केराउ उमालेको पानीले नुहाउनाले
शरीरलाई फाइदा गर्छ। शरीरमा कुनै प्रकारको जलन भएमा केराउको लेप लाएमा आराम मिल्छ।
प्रतिरोधात्मक क्षमता बढाउँछ
हरियो केराउमा पाइने आइरन, जिङ्क, म्यागनेसीयम र कपरले विभिन्न प्रकारका रोगहरुबाट बचाउँछ। साथै यसमा पाइने एंटी अक्सिडेन्टले
प्रतिरोधात्मक क्षमता पनि बढाउँछ।
छाला चम्किलो बनाउँछ
हरियो केराउको प्रयोगले छाला चम्किलो बनाउँछ। केराउ उमालेर पिध्ने र बेसारमा मिसाएर शरीरमा लगाउनाले छाला चम्किलो हुन्छ र कोमल पनि हुन्छ।
प्रजनन शक्तिमा असर
हरियो केराउ बढी मात्रा खा पुरुषहरुको प्रजनन शक्तिमा असर गर्ने गर्छ। हरियो केराउमा नेचुरल केमिकल एमजाइलोहाइड्रोक्युन पाइन्छ,
जसले प्रजनन शक्तिलाई करिब ६० प्रतिशत सम्म कम गर्छ। पुरुषमा मात्र होइन महिलाहरुमा पनि यसको असर पर्ने सम्भावना हुन्छ।
गर्भावस्थासँग सम्बन्धीत समस्या पनि उत्पन्न हुन सक्छन्।
हरियो केराउमा सोल्युबल फाइबर र इन्डाइजेस्टेबल ओलीस्याकेराइडस्को मात्रा बढी हुन्छ, जो सजिलै पचाउन सकिँदैन। यसले पेटमा ग्यासको समस्या
उत्पन्न गर्छ।
मात्रा मिलाएर खाने गर्दा हरियो केराउले शरीरलाई धेरै जसो फाइदा नै पुर्याउँछ।
Can one boy’s compassion change ages of old habits?
In Nepal, when people go to Temple, some of them take
a goat or chicken to sacrifice.
Watch what happened next The video is about a small boy who is apparently protesting the upcoming killing of his goat and saving the animal’s life, notes the Friendly Atheist. A video recently surfaced on Facebook and it has been vied by hundreds of people. The Facebook page states: “This was Adrian’s first visit to Nepal and first visit to a temple.
When a boy accidentally spotted a goat being slaughtered, he realized his new animal friend was next in line. Watch what happened next.” We can see in a video the boy cries and refuses to allow his goat to be sacrificed until his parents give in. As they leave the temple area with the goat, his parents seem to have a change of heart and take their child’s side.
Watch what happened next The video is about a small boy who is apparently protesting the upcoming killing of his goat and saving the animal’s life, notes the Friendly Atheist. A video recently surfaced on Facebook and it has been vied by hundreds of people. The Facebook page states: “This was Adrian’s first visit to Nepal and first visit to a temple.
When a boy accidentally spotted a goat being slaughtered, he realized his new animal friend was next in line. Watch what happened next.” We can see in a video the boy cries and refuses to allow his goat to be sacrificed until his parents give in. As they leave the temple area with the goat, his parents seem to have a change of heart and take their child’s side.